Drew Hoover
Hi, my name is Drew, and this is my personal website. It's very much under construction, but there are a few blog posts below to check out!
Cool stuff I've done
- See my Job FAQ to learn more about what I've done recently at my job.
- I wrote & led development of an npm package called @great-expectations/jsonforms-antd-renderers. It is an Ant Design renderer package for the jsonforms library, and it includes some really cool TypeScript types that tell you how to fix your schema-based forms when the schemas change!
- I built a deckbuilding web application for a digital card game called Elder Scrolls: Legends. It's called The Shivering Deckbuilder. You can read about my process in this blog post.
- I wrote blog posts at a previous job, and you can read them here.
- 2024-12-19 — How to make a good side project
- 2024-12-18 — Drew's Mentoring Maxims
- 2024-12-16 — Why deadlines are hard (and why forecasts are better)
- View all posts